enables people
around the world
to become
By shopping at Global Village Store, customers can contribute to improved sustainable living standards for producers.
You will find earth-friendly, artisan-made goods that are unique and useful, mostly made by women.
As a volunteer operation, we can afford to send some additional funding, so producers can get extra training and equipment to improve their methods.
- Global Village Store is a volunteer-run shop in Victoria BC selling goods produced by economically-disadvantaged people from many countries.
- Most items are from craft cooperatives or groups of low-income people, 90 percent of them women.
- Over 35 years, we have sent more than $2.5 million to producers.
- We stock a wide selection of
baskets handicrafts
unusual toys jewelry
bags & purses linens
housewares singing bowls
clothing accessories
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade aims to lessen disparity between producers with few income opportunities in low-income countries and consumers in higher-income locations. Read more about the principles.
Artisans and Producers
We import items from over 40 groups around the world. Find out more about some of them.
Want to join the team and volunteer for a weekly 4-hour shift in our store? Check for more information.
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